Dispensing of raw material
- Procedure of dispensing raw materials.
- This SOP is applicable for dispensing of all raw materials.
- Warehouse, production and QA staff shall be responsible to follow the procedure mentioned in this SOP.
- Warehouse In-Charge and QA Head shall be accountable for compliance of the procedure mentioned in this SOP.
- Label “Dispensed Material” (cage label) -Attachment I
- Label “Dispensed Material” -Attachment II
- Label “Loose” -Attachment III
- Check and verify the dispensing Requisition sheet.
- Inform QA and Production Department about the dispensing.
- Check whether the Dispensing booth, weighing balances, SS bowls, scoops, spoons, and transfer pump for liquids are clean and obtain line clearance from QA.
- Check the weighing balance according to the calibration status and enter the details in the checklist.
- Check and enter the pressure difference of the dispensing booth in the checklist.
- Check the QC approved label.
- Name of the material
- Batch No.
- A.R.No.
- Assay
- Sign by
- Re-test date
- Date
- Dispense materials following “First in First Out” order (FIFO).
- Transfer the Raw materials required for the batch to the dispensing area.
- Operate the dispensing booth as per the standard operating procedure and dispense the raw material inside the dispensing booth.
- Use dedicated scoops for dispensing of the active materials.
- The dispensed materials shall be placed in the designated steel cages with locks. Each cage shall have the label (Attachment I) that must have the following details:
- Product Name
- Batch No.
- Batch Size
- Date
- Date
- Lot No.
- Weighed by
- Checked by
- Date
- Sequence of raw materials dispensing
- Dispense the excipients in the dispensing booth first, and then remove them from dispensing area.
- Dispense active ingredients.
- Dispense the colorants after dispensing of active ingredients.
- Dispense raw materials in double polyethylene bags and tie them with a nylon thread or with a hose tie.
- Record the entries of A.R. No., Quantity dispensed (Gross wt., Tare wt. and Net. wt.) in the application, the entries must be checked and signed by Production and QA.
- Affix the label on the dispensed material.
- The label must have the following details (Attachment II).
- Product Name
- Batch No.
- Name of the material
- A.R. No.
- Quantity dispensed (Gross wt., Tare wt. and Net. wt.)
- Date of dispensing
- Dispensed by
- Checked by
- Received by
- Date
- Make necessary entries about the quantity of dispensed material.
- If the same API is dispensed with two different A.R.No., dispense and label them separately.
- Always remove only one material at the same time to avoid cross contamination.
- Dispensing of solvents for liquid orals and for tablet coating is done with the help of special food-grade SS pump to the SS containers (SS316) provided with screw type lid.
- After dispensing of solvents the pump is taken to the Wash Room of Dispensing Room, it is washed with a sufficient quantity of purified water and it is wiped out with a dry lint free cloth.
- The label “Cleaned” shall be pasted on the clean equipment.
- Enter the details about the dispensing booth operation and cleaning detail in the log book
- After completion of dispensing process, the loose containers with raw materials shall be weighed and the label “Loose” shall be paste on them (Attachment III).
- The “Loose” label must have the following details.
- Date
- Product Name
- Batch No.
- Quantity
- Checked by
- In-house
- QA: Quality Assurance
- QC: Quality Control
- Mfg. & Exp.: Manufacturing & Expiry
- FIFO: First in first out
- AR: Analytical report
- Quality Assurance Department
- Production Department
- Warehouse Department
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