Instruction to personnel to report to management about their illness and Open Lesion
To lay down the standard Procedure for Instruction to personnel to report to management about their illness and Open Lesion.
This SOP describes the procedure about instructions to personnel working in the production area to exclude the chances of contamination which otherwise may occur because of their illness or open lesion that might affect the product.
Supervisor/Above – Housekeeping and human resource & Administration shall be responsible for following that procedure.
Manager – Human Resource & Administration and Quality Assurance shall be accountable for compliance with this SOP.
Not applicable
A sick person contaminates the products and also spreads the infection if he/she is suffering from infection diseases.
Check the glowing of the lamp inside the Instruct all employees before joining the duty and in a training program to report to management about their illness or open lesion so that they are sent for medical examination and proper treatment
Educate all employees in a training program about communicable diseases, their prevention, and their cure.
Also, educate the employees about microbial contamination and the effect of open lesions on the product.
Management shall take the following immediate actions against reporting personnel about their illness and open lesion:
If any employee reports to management about any type of disease or open lesion, do not allow him/her to enter the production area.
Immediately send him/her to the medical examiner for a medical check-up.
Give first –aid in case of the open lesion and after that send him/her to the doctor for dressing and treatment.
Carefully study the comments and advice given by the doctor on the medical checkup, Report and instruct the personnel to follow the instructions and advice of the doctor.
Send the personnel again to the doctor if required.
Maintain each record of medical checkup of the individual for future reference.
The medical checkup record proves that the staff does actually report such adverse health conditions and the action taken by management.
After illness, if personnel report for work, the medical officer accesses his/her health status before the person is allowed to resume his/her duty.
In addition, carry out medical check-ups of all factory employees once before joining and after that annually & maintain the medical checkup records.
Send for proper treatment if anyone has the symptoms of any communicable disease.
Make sure before sending him/her on duty that he/she is fit for duty by the fitness report of the employee.
SOP: Standard Operating Procedure
QA: Quality Assurance
QC: Quality Control
PD: Production
WH: Warehouse
HR: Human Resources & Administration
Quality Assurance
Quality Control
Human Resources & Administration
Version No. | Effective Date | Reason for Revision |
00 | New SOP |