Define procedures for organizations and undertake microbiological tests and the checking the applicable methods.
The acknowledgment of the validity of the methods of the work.
In conducting research in the microbiology laboratory staff must adhere to the established regime and anti-epidemic work rules.
Persons permitted to work in the microbiology laboratory only those who are literate robots in it.
Each staff member should work only on a fixed him work .
Laboratory personnel must have an individual clothing (dress, hat, shoes). In boxing work in sterile suits, hats or overalls, masks and rubber gloves.
Smoke, eat food and storage of food in the laboratory is strictly prohibited.
The materials, whech enter for the testing to the laboratory, always consider infectious, would always recorded in a special register and labeled.
Spent culture bacteria and infectious materials should be mandatory daily destruction. The surface of the workplace, used tools handle of disinfectant.
Transfusion liquids that contain pathogens must be only with pipettes and rubber bulb or special dozators.
When broken flask or tubes with infectious material or living culture on the laboratory table, other furniture, clothes, hands, floor, you should immediately notify the head of the laboratory and in his presence, to disinfect contaminated areas, and then process the hand disinfecting solution and wash them thoroughly.
In the laboratory is not allowed extra walking, different movements, unnecessary conversations. These requirements prevents penetration of the microbes from the air and the mouth in the test material.
Should always avoid losses and removal of infectious material from the laboratory, living cultures and contaminated environments. All incubators, refrigerators with cultures most fill. The Head of the laboratory or microbiologist controls this.
Museum of cultures long-time period stored in columns with semisolid agar under mineral oil or in sealed ampoules with labels.
After use, disinfect tables, conduct wet cleaning laboratory using disinfectant solutions. Items, materials, tools, infected at work, collected in a bin and that day is sterilized.