Operation & Cleaning of Lift in Warehouse
Operation & Cleaning of Lift in Warehouse
To lay down a procedure of operation & cleaning of lift in the warehouse.
This procedure is applicable into warehouse .
Warehouse supervisory staff shall be responsible for operation and cleaning of Lift.
Head Warehouse shall be accountable for implementation and compliance of this SOP.
Cleaning Procedure
The SS wall of the lift shall be cleaned with wet mopping cloth followed by dry cloth for drying.
The floor surface shall also be cleaned with wet mopping cloth followed by dry cloth for drying.
Record of cleaning shall be maintained as per Annexure..
Operation Procedure: Following procedure shall be followed
Push the button [ ] / [ ] placed at ground floor/second floor (where ever needed) to open the lift door.
Keep the SS plate in between the lift door before entering trolley into the lift to prevent damage of aluminum panels.
Push the loaded/empty trolley gently inside the lift.
Push the inner button on the Electric panel i.e. 0, 1 & 2 as desired floor for transfer the material.
Wait on the desired floor till the lift door opens.
SS Plate shall be kept in between the lift door before pulling the loaded/empty trolley from lift to prevent damage of aluminum panels.
Pull the loaded/empty trolley gently outside from the lift.
Man movement through the lift is “Strictly prohibited”. Lift is for material movement only.
Frequency for cleaning: Daily at the start of the shift
List of Annexure / Formats:
Lift Cleaning Record
References (If any):
Not Applicable.
Reason for Revision:
Not Applicable due to first version.
Abbreviations and Definitions.
SOP – Standard Operating Procedure
Lift Cleaning Record
Equipment ID No.: Month:
Location : Warehouse Year :
Date | Time | Cleaned By | Checked By | Remarks |