Checking of the vehicle before loading finished goods
To lay down a procedure and checklist for inspection of the vehicle(s) engaged in the transportation of finished goods, before loading at the warehouse of the manufacturing site begins.
The vehicle may be owned or a hired vehicle from authorized transporters.
On receiving vehicle(s) for transportation of finished goods, authorized warehouse personnel shall inspect the vehicle(s) for the following check points before actual loading process begins:
Check the cleanliness of the ceiling, floor and walls of the vehicle. The interior of the vehicle must look clean to eyes (physical evaluation).
Check for absence of cobwebs & insects in the vehicle.
Check for absence of traces of lubricants, grease and oil.
Check that the vehicle is provided with doors that can be locked or having proper protective system.
Check that the vehicle is tamper proof and well protected from Rain and Sunlight.
Check for the absence of any other material(s) in the vehicle, which does not belong to the company.
Check for the absence of traces of pesticides or any other toxic, hazardous materials or powder dust.
In case any problem is noticed in the vehicle, inform the site warehouse in-charge & QA Head immediately, who shall have the authority to take appropriate decision to clean or reject the vehicle.
Security shall check the loading of goods in to the vehicle.