At the beginning of the shift (Minor Cleaning)
- The store person shall ensure that the RLAF power supply is switched off before starting a cleaning
- Clean the external surface of the RLAF with a vacuum cleaner.
- Mop the external surfaces with a clean lint-free cloth damped with purified water.
- Finally, wipe the clean dry lint-free cloth damped with 70 % IPA solution and allow it to dry.
- Affix the status label as ‘cleaned’ with duly sign it.
- If there is no activity major cleaning frequency shall be after 72 Hrs.
Cleaning during material-to-material dispensing/sampling (Minor Cleaning)
- Clean the area under RLAF, S.S table, and balance with a clean dry lint-free cloth and mopped with 70 % v/v IPA solution.
Cleaning at the time of product changeover (Major Cleaning)
- The dispensing and sampling RLAF booth and room is to be cleaned at the time of Product change over and after every sampling.
- The store person shall ensure that the RLAF power supply is switched off before starting the cleaning activity.
- Store person shall ensure that the previously dispensed product / sampled material, container, dispensing, and sampling equipment like a scoop, and spatula are removed from the dispensing and sampling area.
- The store person shall remove the powder from the floor and the outer surface of the RLAF pre-filter frame by using a vacuum cleaner.
- Mop the entire surface of the pre-filter frame and side panel with a clean dry lint-free cloth with purified water and finally wipe with 70 % IPA solution.
Store person Shall record the cleaning activity in Dispensing log book
Weekly Cleaning For Pre Filter
- The engineering person shall ensure that the RLAF power supply is switched off before starting the cleaning activity.
- Remove the pre-filter, cover it in an intact polybag, and transfer it onto the washing area.
- First, clean the pre-filter with compressed air in the reverse direction using 1.5 to 2.0 kg/cm2.
- After cleaning with compressed air of the filter wash the filter and frame with liquid soap and then soft water till satisfactory cleaning is achieved, check the filter visually for cleaning.
- After washing the pre-filter, properly dry with compressed air.
- The maintenance person record the cleaning activity in Attachment-1
- Transfer the cleaned filter to the respective area duly covered in a clean polybag.
- Clean the inner area of RLAF with a vacuum cleaner.
- Refit the clean pre-filter by screwing the fixtures.
- Start the RLAF unit and note down the pressure if it is within the limit take the unit for further operation.
- If pressure is not within the limit, inform to store head and Engineering Head to take necessary corrective action.
Operation Procedure:
- Check for the ‘0’ reading of Magnehelic gauges of the RLAF unit, when the unit is switched off.
- Check for the “TO BE CLEANED” status label.
- Switch “ON ” the power supply.
- Switch “ON” the light.
- Allow the RLAF to run for at least 15 minutes before the start of observation & recording.
- If pressure is not within the limit do not start operation & inform the Engineering department for rectification.
- On completion of the operation, allow RLAF to run for 5 minutes.
- Switch “OFF” the power supply and record the operational activity in the RLAF log book.
- Affix status label “TO BE CLEANED.”
Attachment – I
- Equipment id.No.,
- Location
- Date of Cleaning
- Reason of Cleaning
- Done By
- Checked By